© Prolindo 2023

AGB Impressum Datenschutz

Dr. med. et phil. nat. Nicola Andina

Consultant for hematology and internal medicine

Tel. +41(0)31 302 15 50
GLN Nr. 7601000872340

German, English, Italian and French

Professional Career

From 12/2024 Partner of Prolindo
2020-2024 Senior Physician, Haematology, University Hospital Bern, expertise in general haematology including bleeding disorders and thrombophilia, as well as in the field of haematoncology specialising in MPN, CML, MDS and CMML
2019–2020 Haemato-Oncological Research, University of Basel
2017 Specialist in haematology
2016-2019 Haemato-Oncological Research, University of Bern
2015-2016 Deputy Senior Physician, Haematology, University Hospital Bern Haemato-Oncological Research, University of Bern
2013 Specialist in general internal medicine
2012-2015 Haematology, Bern University Hospital
2010-2012 Internal Medicine, Biel Hospital Centre
2009-2010 Internal Medicine, Aarberg Hospital
2008-2024 Author and co-author of numerous scientific Publications
2005-2008 Doctorate (Dr phil. nat.), University of Bern
2004 Doctorate (Dr med.), University of Bern

Teaching activity

2015-2024 Medical teaching at the medical faculty of the University of Bern with a focus on haematology, lectures at congresses (topic haemato-oncology), supervision of Master's theses

Prolindo, Oncology- and Haematology-Team at Lindenhof Hospital

Bremgartenstrasse 119 CH-3012 Berne, Switzerland • Tel. +41 (0)31 302 15 50 Mail: info@prolindo.ch