© Prolindo 2023

AGB Impressum Datenschutz

Christa K. Baumann MD

Consultant for oncology and internal medicine 
Founder of Prolindo, chairwoman of the executive board, partner

Tel.    +41(0)31 302 15 50
ZSR Nr. H 4020.02, GLN Nr. 7601000399649

German, French, Italian and English

Professional Career

Since 2011 Foundation of Prolindo, chairwomen and partner
Since 2010 Freely pratising attending doctor at Lindenhof Hospital, Berne, Switzerland
2005-2009 medical oncology, University Hospital Berne, Switzerland, core areas: breast cancer and gynaecological oncology, 
in charge of the oncological consulting board at Burgdorf Hospital,
2003-2005 medical oncology, University Hospital Berne, Switzerland,
2001-2003 Senior physician, medical clinic, Cantonal Hospital Sursee, Switzerland,
2001 medical oncology, University Hospital Berne, Switzerland,
1999-2001 medical clinic, Olten, Switzerland,
1998 sugery, Herisau, Switzerland,
1997 patholigy, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland,
1996 MD diploma in human medicine and PhD at Berne Unversity,
1993 nephrology and gynaecological endocrinology, Pisa, Italiy,
1998-2009 dissertation, publications and teaching especially about gynaecological and gynaeco-oncological topics. 

Project groups, Publications, Talks, Presentations 

  • Medical coordinator of the oncological ambulatory of the Lindenhof Group
  • Doctor at the  Breast Centre Berne, Switzerland (Brustzentrum Bern) and member of the leading team of the Breast Center Berne, Switzerland  (Brustzentrum Bern)
  • Publications in national and international specialist journals
  • Leading clinical studies 
  • Presentations and talks at conferences and further training events
  • Organisation of further trainings at several hospitals 
  • Lecturer at Berne Universtity, Switzerland (Clinical Skills)

Certificates, Further Training

  • Patient Skills, Consultation Certificate 
  • Regular attendance of national and international oncological conferences 


FMH Swiss Association of Medical Doctors (Schweizerische Ärztevereinigung) 
SGMO Swiss Association of Medical Oncology (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Onkologie)
ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology
ESMO European Society for Medical Oncology
OVB + Oncology Association Berne plus (Onkologie Verein Bern plus)
Regional Medical Association, Berne, Switzerland (Ärztlicher Bezirksverein Bern Regio)
Association of Medical Doctors of the Canton of Berne, Switzerland (Ärztegesellschaft des Kantons Bern)
Study Group of Oral Tumor Therapy, www.oraletumortherapie.ch (Arbeitsgruppe oraler Tumortherapie)

Prolindo, Oncology- and Haematology-Team at Lindenhof Hospital

Bremgartenstrasse 119 CH-3012 Berne, Switzerland • Tel. +41 (0)31 302 15 50 Mail: info@prolindo.ch